Second Opinion

”He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything”

Why a Second Opinion?

 The second opinion service enables you to seek advice from an experienced gastroenterologist and get clarifications by conducting a detailed review of your medical problem, to help you understand your diagnosis and treatment options better.  Dr Doré can help in putting your medical story together and guiding you in the right direction of treatment and management.

When do you seek Second Opinion?

If there are some clarifications required or treatment options that you would like to discuss about your current medical problem, you can seek a second opinion. This reassures the patient that he has been given the correct treatment options or the correct diagnosis has been made.

How to get a second opinion?

Dr Doré provides second opinion consultations at the Emirates Hospital & Clinic or on online platforms like zoom (for international patients outside UAE).
When you use the second opinion service, you should bring/ share copies of the results of any tests that you have undergone, such as endoscopies, colonoscopies, laboratory & pathology tests, CT scans or MRIs. The doctor will review the test results to ensure that they have been correctly interpreted, before running any additional tests that are needed to understand your case. The doctor will also talk to you about your symptoms, diagnosis and the treatment options in order to ensure that you are getting the best possible care.
If you would like to schedule a second opinion consultation:

  • You can contact the Emirates Hospital and Clinic contact numbers provided at the bottom of this page to book your appointment.
  • In addition, you could also send a message via the Schedule Appointment form at the bottom of this page.
  • You can also send Dr Doré a WhatsApp message on the phone number listed below or send an email at

Once we get your message, we will schedule the appointment and send you a confirmation.